Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Field Study & Balboa Art Walk

oil 8x10 inches click for purchase information or zoom feature In Murietta the Santa Rosa Plateau welcomes hikers and artists. On a beautiful morning a few weeks back I stood atop a hill overlooking the plateau. It was quiet, cool and only a little buggy. I had a great time. In other news, there's a lot going on! I've been away from my easel while fighting a nasty respiratory bug that really hit me hard. On the mend now. We have family coming on Friday and staying a week. For you locals, the CHINO ART FESTIVAL is this Saturday from 9-4 on the Courthouse Lawn. It is mostly performances, but I will be there and would love to see you. I'm really excited to announce I was accepted into the BALBOA ART WALK coming up on May 19th! One hundred artists will line the seawall and 4 bands will add music. How fun is that?!!! And what a setting! Don't miss it! For more information click here. (Right now their link to my blog is wrong, but I hope it will be corrected soon.) Fun stuff ahead!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rice Bowl

oil 8x10 inches click for purchase information and zoom feature The last of my Asian influence paintings for now. This large ceramic rice bowl has a shiny blue glaze and little holes/slots for the chopsticks. Very cool. I think we bought it years back in a little shop near Zion National Park. Kinda big for rice. Maybe it's a noodle bowl. I love noodles.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Asian Influence 2

oil 8x8 inches click for purchase information Nothing to say about this one. Rare, but it happens.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Asian Influence -sold

oil 8x6 inches click for purchase information I found a boxed set of Xian Soldier figurines. So many possibilities! They have a peach dust on them that ties in nicely with orange. There's glare on the photo. The darks are much richer in person.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Studied Tangerine

oil 8x8 inches click for purchase information I bought fifty shades of gray fabric for drapery. Not really. Just seven or eight. Exploring different color schemes on gray, I have found that the gray is hardly noticed in the overall look of the work. It also allows me to adjust the gray to my liking. For "Emily and Madeline" I leaned it toward taupe. Here it's pretty much gray, and you'll see in the next post I leaned it toward green. I think I've finally solved my problem with backgrounds. I don't mean the gray, but rather reversing my process. Painting them first as a loose warm up really works for me. I get them out of the way, have a "support" for my objects, and can manipulate edges as I go.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Emily & Madeline

oil 10x8 inches not for sale Our granddaughter, Emily loves to paint. This is her painting as a backdrop for Madeline. The colors seemed to go together perfectly. You might remember seeing it before in my painting, "Child's Play." I'll give this to Emily for her birthday in July.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Paddington -sold

oil 10x8 inches I haven't been knocking out a painting a day, or posting every day for quite a while now. I enjoy the bit larger sizes, taking my time and putting more thought into what I choose to paint. A line from Richard Schmid's book, Alla Prima has been in my mind: "Slow down and savor what you are doing."

Monday, April 8, 2013

Fancy Fuji

oil 6x6 inches click for purchase information I painted this dish two years ago, but with a pear inside. I liked the subtle greens with the rich reds. Here's the one with the pear. Interesting to think about how my work has changed since then.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Music -sold

oil 16x12 inches sold I had some challenges with this one, mainly because I completed it in several sessions and it dried in between. Ugh! I prefer working alla prima so I can manipulate edges. At the start the daffodils were mostly closed and the tulips perky. Second session they were all open and the tulips looked like they'd had a party during the night. Only the violin cooperated.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Violin Strings

oil 6x6 inches not for sale I found out that violins are difficult to play and difficult to draw as well. Tried to play a few notes before I started painting. Wow. Screechy! I stamped the strings with the beautiful edge of a Silver Bristlon Flat. Kathy the violinist liked this one because she likes the "F" holes. I gave it to her as a housewarming gift.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Violin Scroll

oil 6x6 inches not for sale Recently a friend loaned me her violin for painting. The scroll of a violin is the most beautiful part in my opinion. When I opened up the case it looked like it was on stage, surrounded by all that velvety crimson.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Kilt Commission -sold

oil 10X10 inches Commissioned by a friend to commemorate her wedding. The assortment of textures made this especially fun to paint. I painted under time constraints which really helped me focus.