oil 8x8 inches
Monday night's demo for the Orange Art Association. I painted much faster than I usually do because time was short, then finished it yesterday in my studio. I had used gray drapery which allows me to swing it warm or cool, and in this case violet. I painted the shadows first, then at home had to adjust them so they read right with the cloth in light. Someone asked me about how to determine the color of your shadows. Here's my usual reasoning, although not a hard and fast rule. Consider the local color of the object the shadow is falling on (the cloth, grayish lavender). If the light source is warm (spotlight bulb), the shadow will be cooler (temp.), darker (value), and a bit duller (intensity). So for the shadows I used hardly any white (darker), added more blue (cooler), and a bit more of the complement yellow (duller). I use the same principle with watercolor. With practice you can SEE what color your shadows are. Ask yourself how the shadow color compares to the part of the same object in light. Darker, cooler, duller?