oil 6x6 inches
magnify/purchase info On days when I have just a little time to paint, I paint small. This was one of those days. For you fellow painters out there, when you don't know what to paint you can paint what you paint with. I'm always attracted to the grungy patina on my brush washer and never tire of painting it. Orange and green as a color scheme was new for me and with this painting I inadvertently started a mini series of orange and green which you'll see in my next few posts. A painting about cad orange, but ironically I almost never use cad orange. I mix my oranges with cad yellow light and cad red light, both Utrecht. (Brand makes a difference in the yellow.) Number 10 in the Strada Easel 31 Day Challenge.
IN OTHER NEWS: I'll soon set dates for
March and April 2 Day Workshops in my studio here in Upland, Ca. If you'd like to be on my email list for workshop notifications, send me an email at karenwernerart@gmail.com