Monday, December 30, 2019

Little Bird's Cherry

oil 4x6 Purchase info here. I'm so far behind in my blog posts!! I painted this little one back in July. I hope you had a great Christmas or Hannukah, and have high hopes for the new year! DEMO COMING: January 8, Huntington Beach Art League, Senior Center in the Park, 18041 Goldenwest Street, Huntington Beach, CA. 7:00pm. I'll paint a still life from life, talk about my process and I'll donate a small oil toward the raffle. Open to the public.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


oil 6x8 Purchase info here. With this painting I played with the effects of backlighting on semi-transluscent objects, their edges and reflected color. The painting is better in person, as alizarin crimson (dark red areas) does not photograph well. IN OTHER NEWS: In Claremont, CA I currently have work at the following venues: Studio C (on Bonita) carries a few of my petite unframed gems. Square i Gallery (on Harvard) has 4 paintings in it's December 11x11 Show. Integrated Bodywork (on Indian Hill) has 16 available paintings hanging through the end of January. In Laguna Beach The Vanessa Rothe Gallery currently has 4 available. In all your holiday shopping, I hope you'll consider making purchases from artists like me who create one of a kind fine art not found in stores!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Sand & Sun

oil 9x12 inches Purchase info here. Temperatures are dropping, three days of rain are coming along with snow in our local mountains. Boy, does this scene look inviting!!! Here's what happens when painting figures in plein air: The chosen subject was two adults in chairs and their little girl standing with a BIG bow in her hair. I took a pic of the figures, because I knew thay'd move. The girl went down to the water of course. I drew the two chairs. The third adult arrived! Drew in the third chair. Took more pics. Drew the two women. They ALL got up and left for about an hour. Drew the man from my pic. Started painting the chairs, then figures from memory. They came back and put up the umbrella. Added the umbrella, changed the skin tones under the umbrella to tones in shade. Painted the umbrella, shadows under the chairs, sunlit sand and water. Whew! It was a lot of fun to paint such a fluid situation and I was really lucky that the subject kept getting better!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Laguna Palms

oil 9x12 inches Purchase info here. Painted on location, this is another piece I painted during the Jim McVicker workshop in June. The sun came out for us that afternoon, giving stark contrast between the lit background and trees in deep shadow.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Laguna Coves SOLD

oil 9x12 inches Purchase info here. In June I took a plein air painting workshop taught by Jim McVicker. It was a wonderful experience, and this is my favorite of the four paintings I completed. The days were cloudy ("June Gloom", we call it) with the sun trying to burn through by afternoon. It's a difficult type of atmosphere to capture. With Jim's expert coaching, I think I got it. IN OTHER NEWS: I just hung 16 paintings in Claremont at INTEGRATIVE BODYWORK. 114 N. Indian Hill Blvd, Front Suite, Claremont, CA. Thank you to Suzannce Snijder van Wissenkerke for the opportunity. So if you're near Claremont, stop in and browse, or plan to stop in on CLAREMONT ARTWALK NIGHT, DECEMBER 7, 6-9pm. Refreshments served. My work will hang through January.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Bottle & Glass

oil 12x9 inches Purchase info here. A painting from May. Some of my favorite subjects are here; wine bottles and glass. The small white flowers are fun too. When I paint small flowers, I know it's futile (and not at all fun) to try and paint each petal. Instead, I squint way down to see each blossom as just a basic shape. I usually paint the greens first, leaving the blossom shapes unpainted. I then paint the shadow side of the blossoms the right shape, value and color. Last, I paint the light side of the blossoms the right shape, value and color. I also focus on varying the size, shape, and placement of each blossom. A random look gives flowers a natural appearance.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Key Lime Pie -sold

oil 6x6 SOLD Key lime pie is one of my favorite desserts. I sacrificed the last piece for this painting. Thank you to Bunny Gunner Gallery, Claremont,CA for the sale of this painting.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Honey & Lemon -SOLD

oil 6x6 inches SOLD Beautiful local raw honey and home grown lemons. Thank you to Bunny Gunner gallery for the sale of this painting included in the show "All You Can Eat." IN OTHER NEWS: Mark your calendars! The PADUA HILLS ART FIESTA is coming soon! NOVEMBER 3 from 11am to 4pm. Located at the historic Padua Hills Theatre, Claremont, CA. This is my first year exhibiting my work as an invited artist. I'll also be painting from life as time allows. Click HERE for more info. I hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Cheesecake & The Big Berry SOLD

oil 6x6 inches Purchase info here. Coming up with titles for so many paintings is always a fun challenge. I thought about the children's book James And The Giant Peach for this one. Maybe this one would fit too: Does This Cheesecake Make My Berry Look Big? LOL! I have a simple contemporary frame on hand if you would like to add it to your purchase. Email for details: IN OTHER NEWS: On Monday I completed the Strada Easel September Challenge: paint or draw from life every day for 30 days. Here is a montage of all my work for the month. (missing one by accident). You can see them all on Instagram, or eventually they will be posted here one by one. In a future post I'll share what I learned by painting every single day.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Oranges In Aqua

oil 6x6 Purchase info here. Another in my June series of painted edibles. Orange and aqua are interesting together. Do you agree? I have a frame available for this painting, or purchase unframed. Email me for info on the frame:

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Granny Got Grapes

oil 6x6 inches Purchase info here. A simple contemporary frame is available for this piece. Email me at

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Grapes On Green

oil 6x6 inches Purchase info here. Another painting from June. Grapes are one of my favorite subjects to paint. I love trying to capture the luminosity. A simple contemporary frame is available to add to your purchase if you like. Email me at for details. These little 6x6's are part of a series I did. They would hang well as a grouping on your wall! More coming up!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fresh Picked

oil 6x6 Purchase info here. This little painting is even fresher looking in person! You can purchase unframed or add a simple frame to your purchase if you like. Purchase through the link above, then email me for the details on frame.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Really Red Radishes

oil 6x6 inches Purchase info here. A painting from June. This painting is available unframed or framed in a contemporary black floater, 1 in. wide. Purchase through link above, then email me at to purchase the frame by Paypal bill. No additional shipping.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Orange Glow

oil 6x6 inches Purchase info here. This little gem is painted from an orange off of our navel orange tree. They are sweet and juicy! They peel messy, and the juice runs down your arm. You can purchase this painting in a contemporary black floater frame. Purchase the painting using the link above, then email me at to purchase the frame by Paypal bill. IN OTHER NEWS: I've been busy busy, taking part in the Strada Easel Painting Challenge. 30 paintings in the 30 days of September. Follow me on Instagram: karenwernerart to see them all!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Fruit & Wine

oil 8x8 inches. Purchase info here. In these small still life paintings I like to have objects (or their shadows) go off the edges. This divides the negative space nicely resulting in different sizes and shapes. Often, I use a wine bottle to take the scene off the top. You might think I drink a lot of wine! No, I just find the bottles useful and pretty. Here's a painting that has a variety of fresh color and high value contrast. I'm quite happy with this one. I hope you like it.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Spring Things

                                                                     oil 12x12 inches
Purchase info here.  

 I am pleased to announce that this painting has been juried in to The American Impressionist Society's 20th Annual National Juried Exhibition. I'm very grateful to be included in this prestigious show located at the historic Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY. Show dates: September 19-October 2. Opening reception September 20, 6=9 pm. If you are able to visit the show, please take a picture of it hanging, as I will not be able to attend!!! Email me at

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Kim's Arrangement

oil 10x8 SOLD Painting roses is a challenge. It's difficult enough to get their complex structure down in paint. The structure may be right, but they can still look stiff, like a plastic rose. I really want to express their transparency, delicacy and softness. In this painting I got the roses I was going for.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Kristen's Mum

oil 8 1/2 X12 inches Purchase info here. At my May Advanced Workshop (Glass & Flowers) one of my workshop participants brought this mum specifically to see me paint it. A flower like this (white mum) is challenging, but everything boils down to painting the shapes you see, working from the large shapes first, progressing to the small. At the same time, I paint the darks first, mid values next, and the lightest lights last. It's important to have practiced with your chosen brush enough that you know exactly what shapes you can make with each stroke. Another consideration is temperature. Warms come forward and cools recede. Therefore, I first painted the cools in the depths of the flower and warmer as I go, building up to the warm lightest lights finally. So in a nutshell: think large to small, dark to light, and cool to warm. This process works for lots of things. I hope this helps someone out there! I appreciate your comments. This painting is on loose canvas. It will need to be mounted on board before framing. It is priced accordingly, and shipping is FREE! FOR MY MOST CURRENT PAINT HAPPENINGS PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: karenwernerart

Thursday, August 1, 2019


oil 8x16 inches Purchase info here. Painted from my photo reference taken while on a camping trip in San Clemente. We went on a nice long bike ride that gave us great views (and photos) of our beautiful Southern California Coast, and a little peek at the surfer lifestyle. Here's a detail shot:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cheapie Del Rio SOLD

oil 10x8 inches Purchase info here. This little boat with the funny name sits off the north shore of Balboa Island. It's a favorite subject for many painters. I painted this from my photo reference. The painting is framed and ready to hang. If you're interested in purchasing, and would like to see a photo of it in the frame, just email me.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Demo For Rancho

oil 12x12 inches This was a demonstration I painted from life for Associated Artists of the Inland Empire in Rancho Cucamonga. I was able to complete it mostly within the 1 1/2 hours allotted to me. It's a fresh-looking painting because I had to paint quickly and leave my strokes alone. This is a great exercise for any painter who wants their work to be loose and fresh, not overworked. Give yourself a time limit. Use big brushes and paint faster than you normally would. Keep going forward. Don't go back into an area and mess with it. This brings a memory to mind: I had lunch with a couple of accomplished watercolorists more than a decade ago, and one of them shared a quote I've always remembered: "I want my work to be like fresh sushi, not well-done beef."

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Red Reflecting

oil 6x6 inches Purchase info here. A simple demonstration of reflection in silver done for one of my workshops.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Porch Primrose

oil 12x12 inches Purchase info here. A painting from the atrium near my front porch. These primrose bloom early every spring and create the proverbial "primrose path" to my front door! I had a great time painting it, and a not-so-great time trying to get a good photo of the painting. In other words, I wish you could see it in person.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Twisting Pine -a plein air painting from Cambria, CA

oil 12x9 inches Purchase info here. From our trip to Cambria, I painted this on location within the Hurst/San Simeon State Campground. This is a famous Monterey Pine, but in Cambria the same tree is referred to as a Cambria Pine. I loved the twist of the trunk with the turning staircase. IN OTHER NEWS: The "All You Can Eat" Art Show opens tonight at Studio C Claremont and Bunny Gunner Gallery, both neighboring galleries on Bonita Ave. in Claremont. The opening is from 6-8 pm and the show will continue through the month of July. I have five paintings in each gallery. It's a BIG show of SMALL affordable works from over 70 local artists! I hope you'll plan to visit!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Moonstone Beach (SOLD) & Some News

oil 11x14 Purchase info here. I painted this piece on location near Cambria, CA. A friend and I spent a few peaceful days in April camping at Hurst San Simeon campground. IN OTHER NEWS: I'm happpy to announce that my painting, Spring Things, pictured below has been juried into The American Impressisonist Society's 20th Annual Exhibition to be held September 19- October 2 at the Salmagundi Club, NYC. Thank you, AIS!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Kitchen Sunflowers

oil 9x12 inches Purchase info here. Backlit scenes always intrigue me. This one is a morning in my kitchen.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Demo On Blue and some NEWS

oil 8x8 inches Purchase info here. Here's a simple demo I did for my workshop back in March. This past weekend I enjoyed a fun and full workshop painting glass and flowers. This is an advanced workshop I offer to painters who have taken my "Paint The Lively Still Life" workshop. You can see fresh workshop pictures and easel shots of my current work on INSTAGRAM. I'm not able to keep this blog up to date as much as I can my Instagram. So please look for and follow me on Instagram at karenwernerart. IN OTHER NEWS: The American Impressionist Society's Annual Impressions Small Works Showcase is in full swing! Link here. 6/1-8/31/2019 at Crooked Tree Arts Center, Petoskey, MI. My work, "Camellias & Bordeaux" pictured here is included in the exhibit. Thank you, AIS!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Mustard In The Canyon

oil 8x10 inches Purchase info here. In March I camped and painted en plein air at Moro Campground which is part of Crystal Cove State Park. Everything was blooming from our abundant rain this year. Speaking of rain...Yesterday's Artwalk on Balboa Island had plenty of rain and wind! What a challenge it was to keep my work and wood frames dry! Thank you to all who visited me; old friends, collectors, fellow painters and future painters who want to take one of my workshops. On a challenging day your interest in my work was VERY much appreciated!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Lemon In The Pot

Purchase info here.    oil 6x8 

 This little piece was a pleasure to paint! I found this extremely reflective brown teapot in a Caldwell, Idaho thrift shop. IN OTHER NEWS! I've scheduled a Paint The Lively Still Life workshop for June 8-9 here at my studio in Upland, CA. For more information email me at MORE NEWS!I'm SO excited for the Balboa Art Walk this coming Sunday May 19! 9-5 along South Bay Front on the island. 90 artists, live music, sunshine and ocean breezes! Don't miss it! Park in the big Balboa Pier parking lot, take the ferry across on foot, and turn left when you step off the ferry to find me. I'll have newly framed work, and lots and lots of loose paintings. Come find that special gift or treat yourself to a piece of original art!

Monday, May 6, 2019

Camellias & Bordeaux

oil 12x12 inches The camellia bush outside my studio window was blooming it's heart out when a kind workshop student gifted me this bottle of Bordeaux as he departed. Thus, Camellias & Bordeaux! Even more exciting than these two lovely events lining up, is the news that the American Impressionist Society as accepted this piece into its Third Annual AIS Impressions Small Works Showcase Juried Exhibition! The exhibition will be held at the Crooked Tree Arts Center in Petoskey, Michigan. June 8 through August 31. I'll be shipping it out soon. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the show, so if you're reading this and you're near Petoskey Michigan, I would love it if you could take some photos of it hanging. I'll gift you with a small painting in return! Anybody out there in Petoskey???? IN OTHER NEWS: This Wednesday, May 8, I'll demonstrate for Associated Artists of the Inland Empire. Lewis Center, corner of Milliken and Baseline in Rancho Cucamonga. 9 am. $5. Refreshments. Open to the public.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Bedside Camellias

oil 12x12 inches Purchase info here. I've always admired paintings of beds with the sheets turned down. How good it feels to get under those covers when I'm good and tired! In this painting, which I painted in the corner of my bedroom, I set out to contrast the sparkle of glass with the soft light and sheets. IN OTHER NEWS: ADVANCED WORKSHOP GLASS AND FLOWERS has been changed to JUNE 1-2. Open to oil painters who have taken my basic workshop, "Paint The Lively Still Life." Email me for more info: The BALBOA ARTWALK IS COMING UP ON MAY 19! I'll be in my usual spot along the seawall near Pearl St. and the fuel dock. Park in the big parking lot near the pier, take the ferry across, and to find me turn left when you step off the ferry. This is the BEST ARTWALK IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! 100 artists, live music, sunshine and happiness! DON'T MISS IT!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Piglet - SOLD

oil 10x8 inches Purchase info here. If you think pigs are cute, this little piglet is even cuter in person. The yellows are a bit calmer, more golden. Yellow is one of those colors that is hard to photograph.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Peppers On Blue

oil 6x6 inches. Purchase info here. Hang this on your kitchen wall and the colors will wake you up in the morning. You won't even need a cup of coffee! Well, maybe so, just because coffee is so yummy.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Bits & Pieces -SOLD

oil 6x6 inches Purchase info here. This is a sweet little painting close up. It has that brushed texture underneath from an application of oil ground. A sweet thing happened the day I painted this back in February. As I mentioned a while ago, January was a rough month. I was trying to paint myself out of a funk, and this day I felt especially defeated. Out of the blue came a phone call from someone who had purchased one of my little paintings years ago. We had never had any contact, but she called that day just to tell me how much she has always loved and enjoyed the painting. I remembered it well. She spoke of her delight with the little pieces of lemon in the painting. It's difficult to describe how much her call lifted my spirits. I went straight into my studio, cut some lemons and painted this. "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24 If you're reading this, kind lady, thank you so much! We just never know when something we say can make all the difference for someone else.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Lemon & Red Grapes

oil 6x6 inches Purchase info here. I painted this little piece on a used panel to which I had applied a coat of oil ground. Large swipes of ground gives a lovely texture that shows throughout the painting. Click on the link to purchase, then move your mouse over the image on Daily Paintworks. You'll see the texture I'm talking about. It's a lot of fun to paint on a completely different surface once in a while, and at the same time I make good use of all my panels. Do you have paintings you're not happy with? You can give them new life with oil ground.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Orange, Grapes, Scissors

oil 8x8 inches Purchase info here. Here's a demo I did for my last workshop. I'm looking forward to another this coming weekend. I have two openings if you'd like to join us. Just email me.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Grape Escapes and a workshop

oil 6x6 inches Purchase info here. I liked the variety of color, size and shape in this set-up. Do you think about variety when you paint? Maybe I just have a short attention span, but I need variety! IN OTHER NEWS: A "Paint The Lively Still Life" workshop is coming up very soon! March 23-24 at my studio in Upland, CA. It's not too late to register. Email me to find out more. The workshop is geared for beginning and intermediate painters in oil. Do your paintings look stiff and overworked? Do you find painting difficult and tedious? Do you use little tiny brushes? I can help you put joy and life into your work!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Lemons & A Blue Bowl -SOLD

oil 9x12 inches Purchase info here. Our Meyer lemon tree is loaded with paintable fruit. For this painting I used a cool light source rather than my usual warm spotlight bulb. I rarely rework a dried painting, but this one I felt was worth saving.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Rock, Paper, Scissors -SOLD

oil 6x6 inches Purchase info here. I think this is the third "Rock, Paper, Scissors" I have painted. I enjoy the variety of textures: smooth paper, rough rock and shiny metal.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Mousse On Mint SOLD

oil 6x6 inches Available here. A luscious dessert from The Local Baker in Upland. Painting and life both have their ups and downs. In December I wiped out quite a few paintings, and still have a few turkeys laying around that don't make the cut for posting. On Christmas Eve I had to have my sweet Sandy the studio dog put to sleep. She was suffering so I had to let her go. She is definitely missed. It has taken me this long just to be able to write about it. But things are getting better. I remembered how to paint in January and just returned from a great visit with family in Idaho. I'm excited for my workshop this weekend and to get back to the easel. If you'd like to join us at the last minute for two days of instruction and fun, email me: Sandy in 2015 at Moro Campground, Crystal Cove.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Fruit On Silver

oil 8x8 inches Purchase info here. A quick and loose painting from November. My, where does the time fly? This weekend I taught a successful workshop to a small but hard-working group. Even experienced painters said they learned new things! I still have a few openings in my February workshop if you'd like to join us. Just email me at The first day of my workshop I teach design principles, lighting considerations, tips for accurate drawing and value. The value of values cannot be overstated! Here are my two quick value study demos.