Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Study After Renoir


Study For Discarded Roses  9x12 oil

Purchase info here.

In February I completed a commissioned master copy of Renoir's "Discarded Roses."  The painting pictured here is a small study done in advance of the larger painting, 16x20 (below).  This preliminary study allowed me to work out design and shapes, but most importantly color.  I researched Renoir's palette, which turned out to be quite different from mine.  It included lots of Viridian and Naples Yellow, both of which I generally avoid.  I had to ignore my own color harmony sensibilities.  I took a few subtle liberties with flower shapes. The collector was very happy with the finished painting.  

Discarded Roses After Renoir
oil 16x20

Thursday, June 9, 2022

A Bird With Notions


A Bird With Notions     oil 8x10 inches
Purchase info here.

I had a lot of fun painting this.  The torn bits and gold are particularly enjoyable.  The books came from a thrift store or used book store long ago.  Three of these little white ceramic birds hang out in my studio.  Curiously, two have shown up at different times hidden in or behind something on my desk.  I have a feeling that one of my friends who visits my studio has left them as a surprise.  And I think I know who it is.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Lovely Yellows -a still life painting of lemon and rose


Lovely Yellows  oil 8x8 inches
Purchase info here.

A Meyer lemon and rose from our garden.