Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lovely Lemons

oil 8x8 inches not for sale

I love Meyer lemons for their rich yellow and smooth glossy peel. These branches hang over our fence from the neighbor's yard. Lucky me, 'cause they're perfect with lemons.


  1. Une très belle composition j'aime le contraste du vase carré avec la rondeur de vos citrons... Les ombres et les lumières sont magnifiquement bien travaillés... Un véritable zeste de bonheur!
    Gros bisous

  2. They ARE perfect with lemons! I'm always impressed when I come to your blog and today is no exception! Sensational!
    You dealt with all those leaves really really well... they always give me problems...
    Happy Painting.

  3. Beautiful Karen. Lucky you to have fresh lemons.

  4. This is gorgeous, lovely and fresh! The transparence of the glass is o well done!

  5. My two favorite colors together! It's beautiful Karen!


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