Monday, April 8, 2013

Fancy Fuji

oil 6x6 inches click for purchase information I painted this dish two years ago, but with a pear inside. I liked the subtle greens with the rich reds. Here's the one with the pear. Interesting to think about how my work has changed since then.


  1. Que ce soit votre sujet avec la pomme ou celui de la poire, j'aurais du mal à faire un choix et dire que l'un est meilleur que l'autre... Ce sont deux très belles peintures aux accords de couleurs parfaites.
    Ce serait alors une question de goût (gustatif)qui ferait la différence !
    En ce qui me concerne, j'aime les poires façon "belle Hélène" autrement j'aime croquer la pomme. Et là peut-être que j'opterais pour la pomme de la belle au bois dormant !...
    Gros bisous.

  2. Both of these paintings are so beautiful.

  3. So wonderful Karen! Nothing better than red, yellow, and green!

  4. Oh what a great idea to show both, and they're both wonderful! just so rich in both texture and color.

  5. Wow! These just sing beauty. Both are so nice.

  6. Both pieces are lovely. I see more energy and confidence in the edges and brushwork in the apple one. Its interesting how poeple percieve our artworks. Some people like my earlier work which tended toward more realism. My daughter always says that my work now doesn't look finished. Oh well....chacun a son gout!


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