Tuesday, January 27, 2015

In The Entryway

oil 12x9 inches not for sale magnify This is an interior I've wanted to paint for a long time. We are not fancy enough to call it a foyer. In the morning, light streams in through a long narrow window beside our front door. So it's about the light, but... That's my grandmother's table from Arkansas. I remember it covered with homemade pies. The angel figurine was my mother's. And on the far right is Paula. Yes, the plant is named Paula. I adopted her from a couple moving to Connecticut years ago. They didn't want to move her, but at least they gave her a name. My, how she has grown. And oh, look! Who's that in the mirror???


  1. Bonjour ma chère Karen,

    Je trouve très agréable de pouvoir avoir un oeil sur le petit coin d'intérieur qui vous a permis de réaliser cette belle peinture. Elle a une histoire grâce à vos bons mots.
    J'aime beaucoup la lumière qui illumine ton oeuvre.

    Gros bisous ♡ ☼ ♡

    1. Thank you very much, Martine. I really enjoyed painting this. Yes, there is history here. I suppose we all have history in our homes in the various objects passed from one generation to the next. A meaningful subject for art.

  2. excellent on many levels and I love that you are in the painting! A great touch ::)

  3. Glad you like it, Mary! Thanks for your comment.


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