Thursday, March 21, 2013

Morning Comes

oil 6x8 inches Saturday morning I couldn't wait to get out and paint. Got up at dark thirty which I usually only do to catch a plane or some fish. High was gonna be 82 degrees. Shorts weather. So I got out there in the field before the sun was fully up and LOVED the subtle color and warming sky. I would have just a few minutes before the sun hit my subject and everything changed. I painted really fast and simple, and I'm happy with the result. Fast was good, 'cause it was 43 degrees and I was shivering uncontrollably! The water droplets were added the next day during the fancy back-of-the-car photo shoot when the painting fell onto my dewy car bumper.


  1. Really like how you have captured that early morning sunrise...nothing like actually being out there to get that on canvas :)

  2. Lovely early morning light. I can feel the atmosphere. (Wish it were that warm here...43 degrees would be heaven..ha)


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