Cannoli Afternoon oil 10x10 inches
Purchase info here.
I set this up in my back yard one cool afternoon in May. It was still yummy hours after I had painted it! I've had a couple of recent online sales, so I want to take the opportunity to thank all of you who enjoy looking at my art, making comments and making purchases. Thank you sincerely for supporting my work.
Below you can see a painting I did as a surprise. This family welcomed us into their backyard garden very early in Spring because I wanted to explore growing in buckets. They generously shared all their gardening expertise, then picked us some salad greens to take home. I happened to get a great photo with my iphone that I later painted from. I surprised them with the painting just before they moved to Idaho. Gardening in buckets worked well! We have cucumbers, summer squash, cherry tomatoes, and two heirloom tomatoes all coming from buckets!
The Family Garden 6x12 inches