May Day Mums oil 9x12 inches
Purchase info here.
On this particular day in May the milder weather enabled me to paint in the sun and thus closer to my subject. My favorite part of this set up is the blue pot against the brick color in light and shadow. The closer vantage point allowed for more detail in the little pot of succulents. I have painted the trowel handle in this painting and On The Garden Wall to whatever color would work best for the painting. It's really a pale green.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We had 8 of us (not all of us) around our table to enjoy an 18 lb. fresh turkey. (Lots of leftovers!) Our grandson read aloud Psalm 33. I recommend reading it if you have some quiet time today.
I'm thankful for many many blessings, including being able to paint almost every day. I'm sincerely thankful for all of YOU who follow my painting journey and purchase my work.