Friday, April 27, 2012
Winter Glow
oil 8x6 inches
not for sale
My son lives in Idaho. In the winter they sit out on the back porch around this old washtub and "chill." I liked the glow on his hand and face. Because of the glowing windows I wanted to title it "Home Fires." You know, "Keep the home fires burning." Then I thought it sounded too much like a house on fire. Maybe I'm over-thinking this? :-) That stick might be a bit too short for most of us, but he's a welder, so the heat is no big deal. They're coming for a visit in a few weeks and I can't wait!
Tonight I'm getting ready for the Chino Arts Festival tomorrow. Hope to see some of you locals there.
By the way, sorry about the lack of spacing in my posts. Blogger made some changes and I don't know yet why this is happening.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Dappled- sold
oil 8x10
A lot of little girls love drawing horses. I wasn't one of them. My first attempt at painting a horse, it took me a while to get the drawing right, but I'm really happy with this one. This is a friend of ours going about his daily chores at Amy's Farm.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Suburban Squeeze -sold
oil 8x8 inches FRAMED
I went out one afternoon shooting cows...with my camera :-). When I got close to the fence a herd of young cows came rushing over so close I had to back up. This one stuck his/her? head up just like this. I had a hard time getting a good shot of this painting. It looks so much better in person. I'm beginning to think some colors photograph better than others. I find it sad that the dairies continue to be pushed out by housing, but hey. 20 years ago we moved into one of those houses. Hmmm.....
The Chino Festival of Arts is this Saturday from 10:00-4:00. Come on out to the Civic Center Lawn for a fun day of music, dance and art. Stop by my booth and say hi or hang out with me while I paint.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Wheelbarrow -sold
oil 6x4 inches
private collection McDonough, Georgia
I like old wheelbarrows. My dad used to push me around our backyard in one when I was little. This is not that one, but it conjured up the happy memories anyway.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Can't Miss Mollie's -sold
oil 12x9 inches
click here for purchase information and magnifier
Driving through Utah a couple of summers ago on our way to Idaho we ate at this classic diner. It was the real deal and the food was good. Do you think they have enough signage? This painting is available at Vander Molen Fine Art, Arcadia, CA
Monday, April 16, 2012
Rusty Roof
oil 10x8 inches
click here to bid
Yesterday I ventured out to Yorba/Slaughter Adobe, one of the oldest standing adobe residences in San Bernardino County. Built in 1852, it was even a stage stop for Overland Mail from 1858 until the Civil War. I like rusty roofs against a blue sky. I think this is the barn. Nobody was out there but me and the bugs, of which there were plenty and very friendly at that. I emptied the last of my bug spray onto myself hoping they weren't ticks, cause they were biting. Got a good bit done, went home for a shower and finished it up today.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Self Portrait
Friday, April 13, 2012
Liebster Blog Award

Today David Boyd, Jr. offered me the Leibster Blog Award. This simple award is passed along to artists who have motivated and inspired you. Well, I could easily turn around and offer him one too! Thanks so much, David. I have no idea what "Leibster" means, and frankly, this reminds me a bit of the old chain letter! But the artists I've named are deserving. I especially enjoy their variety of subject matter. I thank them for sharing their work and inspiring others.
To accept the award you must:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them.
2. Post the award to your blog.
3.Offer the award to 3 to 5 artists whose work inspires you and who have fewer than 200 followers.
4.Leave a comment on their blogs so they know you've awarded them.
The artists I've chosen are:
Layne Cook
Brian Cameron
David Lloyd
(Brian and David's number of followers not available.)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
watercolor 13x9 inches
Click to Purchase
One evening a week I get to meet with artsy friends and make art, talk art, laugh and eat dessert. I usually want to play around with watercolors in a "not very serious" way. This is what developed on one of those nights.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Patio Pottery
oil 8x8 inches
click here to bid
Yesterday I felt like staying home, but thought it'd be a shame to miss out on the sunshine. It was 82 degrees. I wandered around in my backyard looking for a subject and settled on these favorites of mine. I tucked myself next to our fence for shade and put them on the concrete next to the pool. Then shadows came over, shadows moved, I got hot, the seat was hard, you know. I laughed at myself for being such a wimp in my own backyard. :) But as for the painting, I like it.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Storm Passing -sold
oil 8x8 inches
click here to bid
Today I'm thinking about Easter. I hadn't planned on it, but this painting fits. Because of Christ's victorious resurrection there's hope for us in the storms of life and the assurance of heaven if we trust in Jesus. Happy Easter, everyone!
Friday, April 6, 2012
oil 12x9 inches
Yesterday I had the rare opportunity to paint from a live model. The set up had it all: great color combinations, and a quietly confident young lady with high cheekbones and a beautifully long neck. I used the Zorn palette which I absolutely love for figure painting. The room we were in lacked good lighting. At home later I made some adjustments, mostly warming up shadows. There's SO much to learn about painting people! The more I learn, the more I find out there's more to learn. It's all good.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Mandarin On Edge -sold
oil 6x6 inches
click here to bid
Monday morning my sister-in-law, Linda came from La Quinta. She brought two friends who wanted to watch me paint. The four of us squeezed into my little paint cave and I did this still life. After the fun and some purchases, they treated me to lunch at Islands. What a nice morning!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Grove Gold-sold
oil 6x6 inches
click here to bid
Saturday at "Celebrate Citrus" in Redlands, I stood right next to a blooming orange tree full of fruit and painted this little study. A thick cloud cover made for poor light, but I was in the mood to paint. My friend, Evey helped me set up and kept me company. In spite of the cold and low attendance, we had a great time.
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