soldThis morning I joined three fellow plein air (French for outside) painters at this historic home in Etiwanda. There's awesome old stuff to paint there, and the docents and caretakers really make you feel welcome.

I don't usually get so close to my paint, but my friend Margaret wanted to get my face in the shot. Thanks, Margaret!

You can see my subject above: a back door and lavender bush in bloom. I'm actually inside the barn (with more cool old stuff, so I blended right in.) The sun kept going in and out behind the clouds, so with the deep shade of the barn, I had a real hard time judging all the, no warm, now cool, uh-oh-warm again. It was tons of fun. It got too cold for all of us, so time to go home. At top is my result propped up against my backpack. Not a fabulous painting, but a wonderful morning!