Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Cobalt Teal Tube


Cobalt Teal Tube  oil 4x6
Purchase info here.

Second in my series for the January Strada Easel Challenge, this little gem.  Some days I have just a small window of time to paint.  So I paint small!  

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Fruit Tart


Fruit Tart  oil, 6x8 inches
Purchase info here.

Here we have the first painting of the January 2024 Strada Easel Challenge.  Twenty-nine small paintings to follow.  

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Knotts On Green


Knotts On Green  oil 6x6 inches
Purchase info here. 

My friend, Mary Jo gave me this old jar of jam.  You could say it's "vintage."  LOL  A few years ago the Knott's label was sold to some big company ("hissss, boooo!") which discontinued its jams and such.  I found out when I could no longer find their boysenberry syrup in stores.  We LOVED that pancake syrup!!! 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Jam On Aqua


Jam On Aqua  oil 6x8 inches
Purchase info here. 

This is the kind of loose painting I get happy about.  Accurate drawing is important, but less than perfect paint application is my goal.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

African Violets On Lilac


African Violets on Lilac  oil  8x8 inches
Purchase info here. 

A miniature African Violet from my kitchen window sill posed for this one.  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Pomegranate In Winter


Pomegranate In Winter  oil 10x10 inches
Purchase info here.

In late fall this young pomegranate tree in our backyard glows with the most beautiful yellows, golds and greens.   On a warm day in December I set up my paints outside and enjoyed capturing the glow.  

Friday, August 9, 2024

Lemon & Limes


Lemon & Limes oil 10x10 inches
Purchase info is here.

This is our napkin basket of old.  Remember the days of basket parties?  I very much enjoy conveying  the weave of natural materials without using a teeny tiny paintbrush to make an exact representation.  My goal is to say "basket" in a painterly way, not a photographic way.  

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pastel Dust


Pastel Dust  oil 12x9 inches
Purchase info here.

Here's a piece I painted last November.  My aim was to get the feel of the dust.  Back in the 80's I did a few pastel paintings.  My children were small and I didn't want oil paint and solvent around.  Back in those days we used real Turpentine which had a mighty smell to it.  This box is about 40 years old.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Pick Your Color


Pick Your Color  oil 8x8 inches
Purchase info here.

A fun piece that plays with color in light and shadow.  Even prettier in person.  

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Olives & Rosemary


Olives & Rosemary  oil 8x6 inches
Purchase info here.

Graber Spanish Olives with a sprig of rosemary from our garden.

It has been quite a while since sitting down at my desktop to load, edit photos and post.  Life has been busy with a new 73 lb puppy, two high school graduations, and a fire academy graduation.  I've been painting, but sitting down at my computer always gets put on the back burner. 

 This painting is less blue in person.  If you purchase, your satisfaction is guaranteed.  Check out my return policy by clicking on the link above.  

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tres Tomates


Tres Tomates  oil 8x8 inches
Purchase info here.

Tomatoes posed for me last April in this Spanish style bowl.  

Monday, May 20, 2024

Mums Squared


Mums Squared oil 10x8 inches
Purchase info here.

Wow!  It has been a minute since I posted here on my blog!  In early April I adopted a 1 1/2 year old puppy (who is full size!).  She is a sweet doberman/lab mix named Winnie.  We have been busy getting to know eachother and learning what is appropriate behavior and what is not! 
I've been painting regularly, but just not sitting at my computer blogging. Last September I plucked these little mums from a backyard container.  I loved the round flowers and the square vase.  It's a sweet little work, not too bold with color, and as always, even better in person.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Apples & Mums


Apples & Mums oil 14x11
Purchase info here. 

Oh how I wish I could have gotten a better photo of this one!  Here are apples from our heirloom tree paired with some mums from our garden.  I love the yellow green with the deep magenta. A backlit scene makes for shadows coming toward the viewer, leading the eye in.  

Saturday, March 30, 2024

From The Garden


From The Garden  oil 10x10
Purchase info here.

Last August my friend Marj invited me to pick veggies in her garden. Her onions made a nice linear element paired with my tomatoes from my garden.  I love the little brown bits.  The painting has a fresh crisp look compared to this slightly fuzzy image.  

Friday, March 15, 2024

Sweet Peas & Roses


Sweet Peas & Roses  10x10 oil
Purchase info here.

Last June I painted this one using flowers from my front yard.  The painting has some lovely texture and subtle neutrals that don't come through in the photograph.  

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Dressed Alike


Dressed Alike  oil 10x10 inches
Purchase info here.

Painted from life, peaches and roses from my garden.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Toast & Honey


Toast & Honey  oil 12x12 inches
Purchase info here.

On a cool overcast morning in June, I gathered these items and painted in my backyard.  In Southern California we call this weather "June Gloom."  June gloom has its own beauty; colors seem clean and clear.  I enjoyed myself, painting and listening to the birds.  Though the natural light gave the scene almost non-existent shadows, it has a cool feel and color harmony that I'm quite pleased with.  This painting is so much better in person!

Monday, February 26, 2024

Tube Of Orange


Tube of Orange  oil 4x6 inches
Purchase info here. 

This little gem comes unframed with its own small wood easel.  A perfect little bit of color for a bookshelf or other small shelf space!  It's even better in person!

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Roses In May


Roses In May  oil 15x15
Purchase info here. 

Measuring 15x15 inches, this painting is one of my comparatively larger works. In May our roses bloom like crazy.  The oranges and pinks look lovely together.  I wish you could see this in person.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Shiny Things


Shiny Things  oil 6x6 inches
Purchase info here.

Little bottles and other shiny things that sparkle.  Fun to paint!

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Posing Mini Apples


Posing Mini Apples  oil 8x8 inches
Purchase info here.

It's been a minute since I have posted here on Blogger.  If you have found this post, thank you!  In January I busied myself tremendously with the online "Strada Easel Challenge."  Alas, I did not win a coveted Strada Easel, but I did win lots of valuable daily practice and produced 29 paintings in 31 days.  As you might expect, I would much rather paint that take pics, edit, post, etc, so it will be a long time till you see them here or on my website.  My freshest most current work is always seen on Instagram.  I hope you can follow me there if you're not already.  
Here you see a demonstration painting for one of my workshops.  I'm particularly fond of this one for it's crisp freshness.  You should see it in person!  Reasonably priced and your satisfaction is guaranteed.