Lemons from our Meyer tree. Sometimes they are mistaken for oranges due to their unique yellow color. I recently learned that a Meyer lemon is a cross between an orange and a lemon. Their taste is delightfully sweet!
Lemons from our Meyer tree. Sometimes they are mistaken for oranges due to their unique yellow color. I recently learned that a Meyer lemon is a cross between an orange and a lemon. Their taste is delightfully sweet!
Three Birds oil 6x6
Purchase info here.
From my collection of ceramic and glass birds. They're the only birds that will pose for me.
Here are some of my favorite items for painting arranged in my favorite design: cruciform. This design form goes off all four edges of the picture space, to create interesting negative shapes (empty spaces).
Last year I taught a workshop on painting white things and reflections in metal. Someone brought some mushrooms, Because I had never painted mushrooms, I heard them say, "Hey! Over here! Paint us!"
IN OTHER NEWS: I have new LED lighting in my studio. It's like broad dayslight in there, and makes me want to paint 24/7! Also I recently had some respiratory issues, so I'm learning to paint solvent-free, with walnut oil instead. Lastly, I have a workshop coming up on April 22-23. Email me if you would like all the details. karenwernerart@gmail.com